Books on:
Animal Rights
Black History
Clean Energy
Eco Design
Eco History
Food and Nutrition
Genetic Engineering
Green Cities
Green Politics
Local Economics
Natural Building
Peace and Nonviolence
Simple Living
Trees and Forests
Books on
Genetic Engineering
The Politics of Genetic Engineering
- Shattering: Food, Politics and
the Loss of Genetic Diversity
- Cary Fowler and Pat Mooney, Arizona,
- Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking
of the Global Food Supply
- Vandana Shiva, South End, 1999
- Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature
and Knowledge
- Vandana Shiva , South End, 1997
- Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the
Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating
- Jeffrey Smith, Yes! Books, 2003, Paperback
- Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: How Genetic Engineering Is Changing What
We Eat, How We Live, and the Global Politics of Food
- Bill Lambrecht, St. Martin's Press,
2002, Paperback. Biotech companies are
racing to alter the genetic building
blocks of the world's
food. In the United States, the acreage
of genetically modified crops has soared
from zero to 70 million acres since 1996.
More than half
of America's processed grocery products-from
cornflakes to granola bars to diet drinks-contain
gene-altered ingredients. But the U.S.,
Europe and other democratic nations,
does not require labeling of modified
food. Dinner at the New Gene Cafe lays
out the battle lines of the collision
between a powerful but unproved technology
and a gathering
resistance from people worried about
the safety of genetic change.
- Safe Food: Bacteria, Biotechnology,
and Bioterrorism, by Nestle, Marion,
University of California Press, 2004,
- The critically acclaimed author of "Food Politics" argues that ensuring
safe food involves more than washing hands or cooking food to higher
temperatures--it involves politics.
- Lords of the Harvest: Biotech, Big Money, and the Future of Food
- Daniel Charles, Perseus Books, September
2002, Paperback, pages
- Redesigning Life? The Worldwide Challenge to Genetic Engineering
- Tokar, Brian, Zed Books Ltd., 2001,
- Against the Grain: Biotechnology and the Corporate Takeover
of Your Food
- Mark Lappé and Britt Bailey, Common
Courage, 1998
- Biotech Century, The: Harnessing the Gene and Remaking the World
- Jeremy Rifkin, Tarcher/Putnam, 1998
- Gene Wars: The Politics of Biotechnology
- Kristin Dawkins, Seven Stories, 1997
Books on Genes and Genetics
- Beyond Evolution: The Genetically Altered Future of Plants,
Animals, the Earth, and Humans
- Michael W. Fox, Lyons Press, 1999, $24.95
- The Century of the Gene
- Evelyn Fox Keller, Harvard University
Press, 2002, Paperback. "Provides a powerful, profound analysis of the limits of the gene
as an explanatory concept. She argues convincingly for a new language,
for new concepts that will enable us to deal with the real complexity
of biological organization. This is a critically important book, to
be very widely read." —Dorothy Nelkin, New York University.
- The Triple Helix: Gene, Organism, and Environment, by Lewontin, Richard C
Harvard University Press, 2001, Paperback
- Genetics and the Manipulation of Life: The Forgotten Factor
of Context
- Craig Holdrege, Lindisfarne, 1996
- Exploding the Gene Myth
- Ruth Hubbard and Elijah Wald, Beacon,
- A Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock
- Evelyn Fox Keller, W.H. Freeman, 1983
- Language of the Genes
- Steve Jones, Anchor, 1995
- Thread of Life: The Story of Genes and Genetic Engineering
- Susan Aldridge, Cambridge, 1998
Books on the Risks of Genetic Engineering
- Biotechnology Unzipped
- Eric Grace, Joseph Henry, 1997
- Genetic Engineering: Dream or Nightmare?
- Mae-Wan Ho, Continuum, 2000
- The Ecological Risks of Engineered Crops
- Jane Rissler and Margaret Mellon, MIT,
Books on Genetically Engineered Food
- Eat Your Genes: How Genetically Modified Food is Entering our
- Stephen Nottingham, Zed, 1998
- Farmageddon: Food and the Culture of Biotechnology
- Brewster Kneen, New Society, 1999
- Fast Food Nation
- Eric Schlosser, HarperPerenniel, 2002
- Genetic Engineering, Food and our Environment
- Luke Anderson, Chelsea Green, 1999
- Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers
- Ronnie Cummins, Marlowe, 2000
- Genetically Engineered Food: Changing the Nature of Nature
- Martin Teitel and Kimberly Wilson.
Forward Ralph Nader, Park Street, 1999
- Genetically Engineered Foods: Are They Safe? You Decide
- Laura and Robin Ticciati, Ph.D., Keats,
Books on the Genetic Engineering of Humans and
Other Animals
- Human Body Shop, The: The Cloning, Engineering and Marketing
of Life
- Andrew Kimbrell, Regnery, 1998
- Perfect Baby: A Pragmatic Approach to Genetics
- Glenn McGee, Rowman & Littlefield,
Books on the Ethics of Genetic Engineering
- Genethics: The Clash Between the New Genetics and Human Values
- David Suzuki and Peter Knudtson, Harvard,
GE Politics
Risks of GE
GE Food
GE Ethics
GE Animals
Genes and Genetics